Knxia are experts at providing the training required by the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Licensing (Training of Staff) (Scotland) regulations 2007.
In order to become a Personal Licence Holder in Scotland there is a legal requirement to undertake a Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (SCPLH) course and to successfully complete the assessment. This certificate (issued by an accredited awarding organisation) is then submitted to the local licensing board at the time of applying for a Personal Licence.
Once a Personal Licence has been granted the holder must complete and pass an SCPLH (Refresher) qualification within 5 years and submit evidence to the local licensing board which granted the licence, Failure to do so within set timescales will result in the Personal Licence being revoked.
Everyone who sells of serves alcohol in a Scottish licensed premise must undergo a minimum of two hours training before starting work. This training must cover 16 topics listed in the Licensing (Training of Staff) (Scotland) Regulations 2007. This training can be delivered by a Personal Licence Holder and Knxia can supply a full-colour, interactive workbook to support this training; the book includes a Staff Training Record which every business must retain.
Alternatively, Knxia’s experienced and qualified trainers can deliver this training where a Personal Licence Holder is not available or able to deliver the mandatory training.
Click here for details of A Question of Licensing for Scotland interactive workbook.
Click here for details of Knxia’s planned training courses.